BlitzWolf BW-FYE7 Dual Driver Earbuds Review


Wireless earbuds are the new hot thing and BlitzWolf has put a unique twist on their FYE7’s. They are our first dual driver truly wireless earbuds, so now you can enjoy the freedom of wireless and dual-frequency output.

Dual driver audio separation

Each earbud of the FYE7 has two tiny drivers, this gives the advantage of an even frequency output as the output is split between bass and treble.

They both look the same, but there is a subtle difference if you look in the middle, one is smaller and domed the other is larger and flat.

Dual drivers used to be reserved for top end audio equipment as the sound is far superior to regular headphones.


Just like most earbuds, when you place them in the slots two contacts activate the charger. Charging takes only 2 hours and gives you 3-4hours of playtime.

The charging box

The box also has an internal battery and can charge the earbuds around 4 times. The base is a premium metal alloy and the plastic lid has indicator holes so you can see the status of the earbuds.


With only one button on each side, they are simple to use, they turn on automatically and if once you have them linked to your phone you just take them out and put them on, for a nearly instant connection.

Controls are identical to most others, you can change songs, volume, make and pick up calls and manually turn them on/off.

Overall impression

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They are slim and simple and are ideal if you don’t like the white look or the price of Apple Earpods. Aside from the price and look, the fye7’s sound better and have a longer lasting battery.

Earbuds have become more a fashion item and dual drives bring in a new level of audio so combined the FYE7’s offer a fresh and fancy way to enjoy your tunes and keep in contact.